Say what? Yes, you read that right. Eggplant tincture may be an easy, effective alternative to other skin cancer treatments.
Homemade eggplant tincture is something you may want to try if you have been diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, or a precancerous condition called actinic keratosis. No kidding. I told my dermatologist about this and he asked me for the recipe.
Three months earlier he had wanted to biopsy a spot on my nose that he thought might be squamous cell carcinoma, my poor nose that had previously been carved up due to Moh’s surgery for a basal cell carcinoma in a different area. And he was also concerned about suspect spots on my bottom lip and temple area, and wanted to biopsy them. I bargained with my dermatologist to give me 3 months to try an alternative treatment. He agreed, and like I mentioned above, he was pleasantly surprised when I came back and he saw that there was no longer anything to biopsy.
Admittedly, this is anecdotal. And I cannot remember where I saw the idea to make homemade eggplant tincture. I have only been able to find a little research validating its use. But basically, the eggplant contains phytochemicals called solasodine glycoalkaloids, which is toxic to cancer cells, but does not affect normal tissue.
Eggplant tincture is simple and inexpensive to make. And it only targets cancer cells so healthy tissue remains unaffected. Remarkable stuff !!!
Eggplant Tincture Recipe
1 organic purple eggplant chopped, then placed in a jar
organic apple cider vinegar, enough to cover chopped eggplant
Refrigerate, shake the jar at least one time daily.
Strain off liquid after 5-6 days. Keep the liquid. Store the liquid in a jar in the refrigerator.
It will keep for months in the refrigerator.
How to Use to Treat Cancerous or Precancerous Lesions with Eggplant Tincture
Some people dip a piece of cotton ball into the tincture and adhere it to the lesion with a bandaid. This method seems to work better and faster, but this can be unsightly depending on where the lesion is, so I sometimes prefer my method, which is applying the liquid directly to the lesion at least one time daily, but preferably more frequently, allowing it to dry in between applications. This is most easily accomplished by setting out a small measuring spoon full of it on the bathroom counter or on the side table where you sit in the evenings, and reapplying it throughout the day or evening, whenever it dries and you think of it. Consistency with application is crucial with this.
Update 12/14/18: The essential oil Frankincense seems to increase the effectiveness of the eggplant tincture, working in conjunction with it. You might try applying Frankincense, diluted appropriately in a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil or olive oil, to the lesion 1-2 times a day in addition to the eggplant tincture. Frankincense is known for its anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as other healthful qualities, so it would only stand to reason that it would be beneficial.
The Big Guns: BEC5 Cream (aka Curaderm)
While the eggplant tincture can be effective, BEC5 cream, aka Curaderm, is stronger, but the mechanism is the same: derivatives from eggplant. It also contains acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) added to help penetrate the tissue. (Question: why would we want to ingest aspirin???) Anyway, I tried the Curaderm on a weird spot on my forearm, and it created quite a large and scary crater, which gradually stopped enlarging and started healing. I watched it carefully for signs of infection, and took heart from this very interesting video that shows one man chronologically detailing the process. (I highly recommend watching this.)
At the same time that I started treating my arm, I also tried Curaderm on my bottom lip, which had been diagnosed with actinic chelitis (lip precancer) and totally burned the h*ll out of it. So, I discontinued treating this delicate area and went to my naturopathic doctor who informed me that the lips only have about 3 layers of skin while the rest of non-mucosal body skin has about 15. Live and learn!
While I would use Curaderm if necessary again, I think the Eggplant Tincture is the place to start. I highly recommend it. I purchased it online; I could not find it in any store.
If you try it, you will have to let me know how well Curaderm works for you.
The Discovery of Eggplant Tincture Was Exciting News To Me
Before I ever heard about Curaderm or the eggplant tincture, I had already gone through other treatments for multiple lesions on my face including cryotherapy, which is burning the lesion off with liquid nitrogen; two different topical chemotherapy creams, 5-fluorouracel (5-FU) and Imiquimod; and Moh’s surgery. The latter one, was for a particularly stubborn lesion, a basal cell carcinoma at the end of my nose, that then required plastic surgery to fill in the large hole left when all of the cancerous cells were cut away. A zigzag was cut from the bridge of my nose down to the tip to close the gap. Needless to say this was all very traumatic. I think it could have been avoided had I known about the Eggplant Tincture.
Anecdotal, but…
One of my sisters tried the eggplant tincture for a precancerous lesion on her face and after a few weeks of using it daily, usually multiple applications (on average about 6 times daily), the lesion fell off and has not returned. It also left no scar. More recently, with another lesion, this same sister applied the eggplant tincture, again about 6 times a day, then after 5 days the lesion flaked off. And since then the skin has a normal appearance.
My experience with the eggplant tincture has varied. I have had several different types of lesions, from precancerous ones to ones that were thought to maybe have been basal cell carcinoma and squamous cells, as well as other little weird spots on my face, lower arms, and legs. (Multiple sunburns and hours upon hours at the beach and by the pool, growing up in Southern California with fair skin, no less, all contributed to my lesion propensity I am sure.)
Anyway, the different lesions I had have responded in a variety of ways with the application of the eggplant tincture, some of them faster while others were much more gradual. Some flaked off, others just gradually disappeared. A couple returned, but then healed after restarting my regimen with the tincture. Because some returned, I strongly advise continuing the treatment for a few weeks afterward to better ensure that all of the precancerous or cancerous cells are gone.
Different Types of Skin Cancer
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most diagnosed of all skin cancers and it is the least deadly. It is rarely metastasizes, but can extend deep and wide into the local tissues if not treated, causing disfigurement or worse; and it can be slow or fast growing depending on its subtype. BCC’s develop in the epidermal basal cells.
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common malignant skin cancer. Invasive, it starts in the epidermis then penetrates to the dermis and metastasizes to the nearby lymph nodes. SCC can also have slow or rapid growth depending on the type.
BCC and SCC are less aggressive and more easily cured than the dreaded malignant melanoma.
Malignant melanoma, on the other hand, progresses rapidly and is metastatic. It originates in the melanocytes or other cells producing melanin, thus it could appear in places such as the brain, gastrointestinal tract, eyes, and lymph nodes.
***IMPORTANT: Please note: Eggplant tincture and BEC5 cream are not a recommended treatments for melanoma, which is often deadly.
Above image from
To understand skin cancer better you may want to know a little bit about the different layers of skin.
One does not usually think of skin as being an organ, yet it is and it is the largest organ of the body. More inclusively, it is part of the integumentary system (skin), which includes other things like nails and hair as well as sebaceous (oil) and sweat glands. Sebaceous glands secrete a fatty substance called sebum into the hair follicles, which helps protect the skin from drying out and from harmful bacteria.
Basically the skin is divided into major three layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous tissue.
The epidermis, the outer layer, consists of keratinocytes (95%), in fact 5 different layers; and melanocytes (5%).
Melanocytes, as the name suggests, secretes melanin, and this is where malignant melanoma can originate. Most of the melanin in the human body is found in the skin and determines ones skin color; the more the melanin, the darker the skin color. And when exposed to sunlight melanogenesis is triggered causing the skin to darken (suntan). However, there are also some melanin in different parts of the body such as the medulla & brainstem, the adrenal gland, the iris of the eye, hair, and inner ear.
An albino is someone who is producing little or no melanin. There is no known cure for this.
Incidentally, vitiligo is a similar problem where various patches of skin lose their ability to produce melanin. It is not known exactly what causes this condition, but it is currently thought by many to be largely of an autoimmune nature. Dr. Steven Gundry, reports in his book, The Plant Paradox, that one client of his had his vitiligo resolved after following his program, which involves eating lower lectin foods, as well as making other dietary changes. Gundry also claims he has good results with his diet helping people heal from cancer.
Some Other Things You Should Be Doing for Healthy Skin
I think it is important to say here that you cannot indulge in a junky diet that is high in sugar and carbohydrates, eat processed foods, fried foods and other unhealthy fats like vegetable oils (canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil, etc); drink too much alcohol, smoke, be a couch potato, and otherwise live an unhealthy lifestyle, and expect that your body will be able to effectively heal from cancer or anything else. It is essential that you eat a nutritious diet, including healthy fats like extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil and avocados; a lot of colorful vegetables and maybe a little fruit; a moderate amount of quality protein; plus keep well-hydrated with filtered water. Also, avoid toxic skin care products and other toxin exposure like environmental, get plenty of exercise, try to reduce stress levels, and get adequate amounts of sleep.
As for toxic skin care products, this is an important issue to consider and rectify as soon as possible if you are still using them. By the time an average man or woman in the United States walks out the door each day with 80 to more than 160 chemicals on their face and body. Many of them can cause infertility, hormone disruption, cancer, and be detrimental to health in other ways. I advise that you check out this Environmental Working Group (EWG) site for great information on the safety of the products you use.
One company, Beautycounter, has a “Never List” of over 1500 ingredients that they will never use. I am a consultant with this company because it is so reputable, and I invite you to check out their make-up and skin products here. Beautycounter products are not only healthy and safe, but they are also of high quality and really work. Update 4/20/19: CBS News just featured Beautycounter in an interesting news segment about the lack of regulation in the personal care industry. This short clip from that segment is very informative and worth checking out.
Bottom Line
There is a lot you can do to protect your skin health. My passion is alternative, natural treatments to all health problems. I am constantly on the lookout and researching non-pharmaceutical solutions to health concerns. I gravitate to those things that are simple, effective, natural, easy, and often inexpensive. However, there are times when medications and surgery may be the best options. Make sure you get appropriate evaluations and treatment.
Disclaimer: This article is not meant to be medical advice. I recommend that you try Eggplant Tincture only after a diagnosis by a dermatologist, and with his blessing. And of course, if you experience any alarming signs or symptoms, obtain medical treatment.
Grossman, S., & Porth, C. M. (2013) Porth’s pathophysiology: Concepts of altered health states (9th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott-Raven Publishers.
International Journal of Dermatology Jan 2008, 47(1):78-8
YouTube Interview with Ty Bollinger and Jonathan Wright about BEC-5 cream
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