Making ‘black’ silver gel.

Hold the front page! An amazing way to create lots of crude silver (the residue that builds up on the silver wire during the process of making colloidal silver) has been discovered by Alexandria from the Colloidal Silver Success Stories facebook group. It involves twirling some silver wire/bezel around a pencil to create a spiral. The residue (silver oxide) has been found to be profoundly effective against skin conditions, such as burns and psoriasis (even more effective than regular colloidal silver). I like to mix my residue with aloe vera and rub it into my face and body when I am out under the hot sun.


Silver oxide builds up around the positive wire.

Previously, I had made silver oxide by leaving wires in tap water all night and then scraping the residue up from the bottom of the glass. This method works fine but takes longer than the spiral method.


Leaving the power on all night with the specific intention of creating as much silver oxide as possible.


Residue collects at the bottom of the glass.


Residue is then mixed with aloe vera gel.


The final product: black silver gel.


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