Category: Products

15 Reasons why you need colloidal silver in your home

1. Anti-Everything Colloidal silver is a great natural antibiotic, thanks to its antimicrobial powers. It turns out that this isn’t a recent finding – silver has been used since ancient Roman and Greek times to preserve foods and drinks! This

Lugol’s iodine solution 5%

Suitable for both external and internal use. Around 60% of the iodine in the human body is stored in the thyroid gland. The health benefits of iodine play a very important role in the normal functioning of the thyroid gland,

Max gets off to a flying start

I met Max in India earlier this year and gave him a bottle of colloidal silver to take with him on his onward journey southwards. He was very happy with it and returned the favour by giving me some of

3 new products for spring 2017

I’m in the process of expanding the Simple Truths Foundation product range and am looking for any feedback as to how I can improve formulas/packaging etc.
