Alkalizing the body

As a reaction to the needless ‘mystique’ surrounding natural/alternative/complimentary practitioners, I always aim to give clients the simplest and most concise advice I can. Checking their hydration levels is always first on my list, shortly followed by finding out what kind of foods they eat on a regular basis. Meat, bread, cheese and eggs all create acidity in the body, as does alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, prescription drugs … and stress. The unfortunate truth is that the vast majority of people I know are far too acidic to be properly healthy and disease-free.

The way to rectify this problem is to learn the difference between acid-forming foods and alkaline-forming foods and simply decrease the former whilst increasing the latter. Keeping properly hydrated also helps to maintain the correct pH.

pH stands for the ‘potential of hydrogen’ and is a way of marking acidity levels. A simple saliva test using litmus paper will show you what your pH is at any moment in time, the norm is about 7.


A great way to rapidly alkalise yourself is to mix some bicarbonate of soda with water and drink it. 1-2 teaspoons in a glass should suffice. Squeeze some lemon into it as well for even more alkalinity (the acidity of lemon turns to alkaline when it comes into contact with stomach acid).

The forefather of ‘naturopathy’ is ‘natural hygiene’, the ‘true healing art’ as Dr. Trall called it. In natural hygiene there is no place for diagnosis as such. We all have a body and a blood stream. Using diagnostic tools to pinpoint exactly where the body has ‘packed up’ is profitable business but the truth is that the entire bodily system needs to be ‘hygienic’ for true health to occur.

So from that perspective, it doesn’t really matter if you’ve been given a label of ‘cancer’ or ‘multiple sclerosis’ or whatever, the ‘remedy’ is the same for one and all.


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