Silver Water (Colloidal Silver), An Amazing and Forgotten Natural Antibiotic

Not many people know that a few metals possess germicidal properties. These specific metals can stop the growth of germs and microbes on contact. Silver and copper are best known in this regard and are often used in commercial applications. Swimming pools, for example, can be kept germ free by filtering the pool water through screens of silver and copper, thereby eliminating the need to use chlorine (a substance which is harmful to human tissue and should be avoided). Among germicidal metals, however, silver is of greater importance because it is the only metal that is completely non toxic to the body. In fact, silver has been used since ancient times to not only keep stored water “sweet” and germ free, but also to speed the healing of wounds and minimize the formation of scar tissue.

Ancient physicians and scholars of medicine, like Cyrus the Great (King of Persia, ca. 550B.C.), insisted that the water from his favorite stream should always be stored in silver vessels and carried by mule trains “following the king whithersoever he goes at any time” (Herodotus, Book I, Para. 188). The famous Roman physician, Pliny the Elder, wrote in his great tome “Natural History ” (79 A.D.) that even the slag of silver…”has healing properties in plasters , being  extremely effective in causing wounds to close…” (Natural History, Book XXXIII, Part XXXV, Volume IX)

During the Middle Ages in Europe, it was always a great mystery why untold thousands of peasants died of the Bubonic Plague, while most members of the aristocracy remained untouched. Did the aristocracy enjoy some special protection from God that was being denied to the peasants, as was believed at the time?  Not exactly.

Today we know that the most likely reason for the aristocracy remaining infection free is because most aristocrats ate off silver plates, stored their water and wine in silver vessels, drank from silver cups and ate with silver utensils. Peasants, on the other hand, always used pewter and wooden table ware.

In the latter part of the 19th century, American pioneers always put a silver dollar into a bucket of fresh milk and were able to extend its ‘shelf life’  for up to a week without souring. NASA and all commercial airliners use silver filters in their water fountains to guarantee pure, germ-free water for passengers and crew. In severe Burn Centers across the country, wound dressings compounded with silver, have consistently proven themselves to be the most effective bacteria fighter among all anti-bacterial drugs tried.

Today’s technology allows us to deposit extremely fine, sub microscopic particles  (E.g. 0.001 microns) of silver into distilled water in order to produce colloidal silver, or Silver Water, as it is sometimes called. Each particle of silver has a net positive electric charge attached to it. This electrical charge that plays an extremely crucial role in supporting silver’s therapeutic capabilities. Numerous studies have demonstrated that colloidal silver is the most bioactive and bioavailable form of silver to fight any sort of infection whether that infection is located on the inside or on the outside surface of the body.

Fortunately, bacteria and viruses can never develop a resistance to the germicidal action of Silver Water as they routinely do with pharmaceutical antibiotics. A Multibel Drug Resistant (MDR) strain of the common staph bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, was recently in the news (CNN) because it has now developed a resistance to the drug  industry’s Last Great Antibiotic Hope: Vancomycin.

Many people are beginning to discover to their delight and surprise just how effective Silver Water can be in clearing up difficult infections that will not yield to conventional antibiotic treatment. One 85 year old woman had an eye infection (conjunctivitis or pink eye)  for six months and had seen as many eye specialists to try and clear it up, but nothing worked. She had begun to resign herself to the idea that she was going to have this eye infection for the rest of her life, but after giving her an atomizer of Silver Water, her eye infection cleared up in only five days-and it hasn’t returned since. Needless to say, she now thinks that I walk on water.

You can drink collodial silver to get it to work for you sytemically or spray it on an infection or skin problem directly. It seems to have a therapeutic effect on most known bacteria, yeast, virii, fungi, and molds. In fact, laboratory tests have shown that colloidal silver will inhibit the reproductive process of over 650 disease causing organisms within 2-6 minutes of contact. Many stubborn, chronic infections , from gum infections to vaginal yeast infections, will often clear up completely with colloidal silver.

Pets can benefit from the use of Silver Water just as much as humans can. One man who ran an ostrich farm in Arkansas contacted me because he was losing 40% of his newborn birds to E-coli contamination of the water supply. After adding Silver Water to the birds’ drinking water, he cut the newborn losses to less than 1% after only two weeks of use.

By Ken Adachi.

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