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There are various causes of eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions and it’s important to try to find the underlying cause of the problem as well as find a topical solution. Correct hydration and sound diet are of pivotal importance for skin health as ‘what you put in, must come out’. If you are chronically dehydrated, the body won’t be able to expel the accumulating poisons properly and they will be purged through the skin. See our resources for more information about hydration and diet.

Ingesting colloidal silver can help greatly with skin conditions as silver nano particles will often kill harmful bacteria, parasites, microbes and fungi that you may be hosting which can result in far healthier skin.

Simple Truths Foundation topical applications for the skin are the finest around thanks to the abundance of powerful ingredients they contain, such as colloidal silver/copper/gold, DMSO and MSM.

Correct hydration and dietary improvements in combination with our skin gels/bars is the best way to overcome all manner of skin problems as well as having younger/more healthy looking skin.

Related products

Silver999 Healing Gel, Simply Youthful Face Food, Shilajit Gold gel, Shilajit Gold serum, Black Beauty soap, Hyalbar skin treatment bar, Silver Suds soap, colloidal silver concentrate,


Joya, Exeter writes “I had 3 types of psoriasis, really nasty. Within 3 weeks of using these wonderful soaps I’m over-the-moon to say I no longer have it and am happy to wear a swimming costume again.”

Sue Jagger writes “I swear by Silver999 Healing Gel for a lot of things, not had to use it much till this last week on stress eczema, cleared it up brilliantly, I get on my neck it looks like someone has tried to hang me, I’ve used for various things.”

Kym Masterson writes “I took a local Thai man covered in painful psoriasis for 20 years just on 3 months of drinking my homemade colloidal silver daily + spraying it all over his body several times a day to heal.. (approx. 50ppm).. he started by taking 200ml x 3 times a day for a week, then 100ml x 3 times a day for 3 weeks, then 50ml x 3 times a day for 2 months.. now he takes 20ml 3 times a day ongoing as a preventive.. he had to stop eating pork & seafood & beer till he healed.. he’s now as happy as can be & no more psoriasis! Its caused by parasites & a gut biome that’s out of whack so start taking prebiotics and probiotics daily as well. Happy healing.”

Joanne O’Leary writes “I found a video of you making a salve from DMSO, CS, MSM, Black seed oil etc an made it for my husband’s skin cancer.  It worked, the skin cancer is going away.  I can’t find the video again.  Will you please tell me the ratios or share the video with me?  I need to make more for him. Thank you for everything you do.”

Links and resources

5 Skin Care Tips

Tips For Teenage Acne

James talking about teenage acne

James talking about the role of water & salt in health

Miracles Of Water 

Video of James talking about DMSO

Video of James talking about MSM

DMSO: Many Uses, Much Controversy

Why Use Betnovate When You Can Use Silver? 

Skin & hair care section of the shop
